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Selectmen's Minutes March 13, 1996
          Meeting of Selectmen and Water Commissioners
                        March 13, 1996

Selectmen present tonight at 8PM for a meeting with the Water
Commissioners at their meeting location: Judith Murdoch, James
Haggerty, Catherine Kuchinski, Charles Flynn with Joseph Nugent,
Board's Executive Secretary.  

I. Board of Health / 54 Thayer Drive: Board of Health members
present: Amado and Dias.  All five Water Commissioners present.
Gil Amado reported to the Water Commissioners that the owners of
54 Thayer Drive are in need of action to bring them onto Town
water due to poor water quality.  Board of Health is just shy of
recommending a building moratorium in Hanson due to the number of
wells they suspect will be "turning bad" over the next year.
Water Commissioners state that a vote of the Board of Health to
declare 54 Thayer Drive a health hazard would be enough to
require a hook-in to the town water system.  If the Board of
Health will not take that vote, then the hands of the Water
Commissioners are tied due to the imposed water moratorium.
Board of Health to do some more investigation and send a written
documented report with a possible request for action to be

II. Current status of Water Exploration: Andrews stated that the
Cranland site was no longer viable avenue to pursue since the
latest investigation reports cited additional contamination
found.  That leaves the Commissioners with doing a Pilot Study
for Pleasant Street (a mini version of iron treatment station
would have to be built); continuing with exploration of gravel
well at Main Street bog property; restarting the Bedrock Drilling
program; pursuing Brook Street site (radon and nitrate testing
still needed).

III. Present Situation of Suit against the Water Commissioners
for Brook Street Site: at 9:10pm, Haggerty requested this portion
of the meeting to be in Executive Session.  After a vote for
entering executive session was taken by the Water Commissioners,
Motion 3/13/96.1: move to enter Executive Session with Water

Commissioners to discuss litigation strategy for the Brook Street
site.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn. Roll Call
Vote taken: Murdoch: Aye, Flynn: Aye, Kuchinski: Aye, Haggerty:
Aye.  Motion carried 4-0.

XI. Adjournment. Motion 3/13/96.2: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.  
Meeting adjourned at 9:50pm.